Team Notes

Team Notes (Week 10)

another tag

Project: [word-guess-game] Make a letters that make up a word game

Microservice Requirements

READ web service must serve up a word of the day
READ get a new random word
POST API end point that checks the current user guess and returns which squares are correct
Storing # of attempts (on any guess, store)
Storing # of winners (on correct solution, store)
Parameter that returns a word of the size in question
READ get success vs attempts data for the word in question

Web Component Requirements

Needs to support right / wrong visualization via CSS, using SimpleColors API @lrnwebcomponents/simple-colors as the Base Class in order to handle color contrast
Needs to celebrate when the user wins the game
Needs to lock out attempts if they fail to get the right answer by the last round
Button to load a new word but only after winning or losing
A container component + a "guess" component so at least 2 if not more components
User input needs to allow for guessing while revealing the letters that are correct along the way
Don't require typing correct letters over again
When game is over, show how many got it right

Solution Brainstorm