Team Notes

Sunday Check 3

second tag

Other aspects of our posts such as the Workflow diagrams can be found in the archive sectiuon of our webpage.

Frontend Week 3 Work




//Keyboard layout
//Setting the possible inputs for the game
<div id="keyboard">
   <div class="rowKeys">
       <button class="keyButton">q</button>
       <button class="keyButton">w</button>
       <button class="keyButton">e</button>
       <button class="keyButton">r</button>
       <button class="keyButton">t</button>
       <button class="keyButton">y</button>
       <button class="keyButton">u</button>
       <button class="keyButton">i</button>
       <button class="keyButton">o</button>
       <button class="keyButton">p</button>
   <div class="rowKeys">
       <button class="keyButton">a</button>
       <button class="keyButton">s</button>
       <button class="keyButton">d</button>
       <button class="keyButton">f</button>
       <button class="keyButton">g</button>
       <button class="keyButton">h</button>
       <button class="keyButton">j</button>
       <button class="keyButton">k</button>
       <button class="keyButton">l</button>
   <div class="rowKeys">
       <button class="keyButton">Del</button>
       <button class="keyButton">z</button>
       <button class="keyButton">x</button>
       <button class="keyButton">c</button>
       <button class="keyButton">v</button>
       <button class="keyButton">b</button>
       <button class="keyButton">n</button>
       <button class="keyButton">m</button>
       <button class="keyButton">Enter</button>


Get words from backend or wherever
import { wordArr} from "./wordGenerate.js" These words will come from the API fetch;

let guessesRemaining = 6;
let currentGuess = [];

//This is the random word the user is trying to guess
//let AnswerWord = wordArr[Math.floor(Math.random() * WORDS.length)]

//Creating the actual game layout

function initLayout(){
let layout = document.getElementById("layout");
//Row for each guess
for (let i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_GUESSES; i++) {
let row = document.createElement("div")
row.className = "wordRow"

//5 boxes for each guess
for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
let box = document.createElement("div")
box.className = "letterBox"



// the front end layout display of our wordle game,
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;


font-size: 2.5rem;
font-weight: 700;
text-transform: uppercase;
height: 3rem;
width: 3rem;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
border: 2px solid gray;
border-radius: 3px;

.usedBox {
border: 2px solid black;

.wordRow {
display: flex;

Backend Week 3 Work

Rough Draft of WordGenerate.js

Image description

Hashing out WordGenerate.js

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import {key} from './word.js';
export {wordGenerate};
function wordGenerate()   //creating a new function that renders the word each day
fetch('', {
"method": "GET",   		//fetching the 5 letter word from the random words API specifying that the length = 5
"headers": {
  "x-rapidapi-key": key, 	
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""
.then(response =>response.json())   //creating the promise that the api will be fetched and return with a response
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {


var config = { API_KEY : '0d0dad91cdmshd70ac9ca4bc57cbp14e277jsn50f8a6d27b53' };
let key = config.API_KEY;
export {key};

What the API end points are